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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.]

Me (singing): “Little [Loyette] Foo-Foo, walkin’ through the forest, scoopin’ up the field mice and boppin’ them on the head.”
Loyette (protesting): “Daddy!! If I was walking through the forest, and [Loyacita] was, we’d be lonely, and we’d miss you and Mommy!!”

Baby Pool the Third

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Following on the heels of our first and second baby pools, it’s time to collect your guesses about the birth of Baby Girl Loy #3 (blog nickname TBD).

Remember, the baby is due Friday, July 8. The deadline to enter this Baby Pool is one week from today, 7:00 PM MDT next Friday (May 20). Just leave a comment with the following stats:

• DATE of birth: _________________
• TIME of birth (Mountain Time): _________________
• WEIGHT at birth, in pounds and ounces: _________________
• LENGTH at birth, in inches: _________________

Feel free to throw in a BLOG NICKNAME suggestion, too, if you’re so inspired. You may want to review the criteria, and add the criterion that the name should complement Loyette and Loyacita — but not look too visually similar to either of them (this is the problem with “Loyelle,” which I otherwise like a lot). You’ve already made some good suggestions, but we’re still undecided. (Oh – and let me just preemptively rule out “Bin Loyden.”)

Hell, you can even make a REAL NAME suggestion if you like. We’re still thinking on that, too. Heh. We won’t reveal it here, but y’all can still propose ideas! 🙂

Anyway, back to the Baby Pool rules. Weight and height guesses with decimal points will be rounded off — to the nearest ounce in the case of weight, to the nearest quarter-inch in the case of height. Likewise, any time guesses containing seconds will be rounded off to the nearest minute (you’re a bunch of nerds, so I know somebody’s gonna do it).

The winner will be whomever is closest in time to the exact day, hour, and minute of birth. In the unlikely event of a tie, the tiebreaking categories will be weight and length (weight is the first tiebreaker, length is the second tiebreaker).

I’ll also declare a separate “weight and length” winner, with weight as the primary category of competition, and length as a tiebreaker.

Regarding the baby’s July 8 due date… that’s the very same date that Loyacita was due, two years ago. She was actually born on July 13. This time around, though, it’s highly unlikely the baby would be born after the 12th (trust me on this). Early on the 13th would probably be the absolute latest, if there were to be a really long labor (but Becky’s first two labors were reasonably quick, knock on wood). Bastille Day or later ain’t happening, so don’t bother with those guesses. 🙂

Other key dates you may want to consider: Becky’s birthday is June 14; there’s a Full Moon on June 15; Father’s Day is June 19; Ted and Ginny arrive in town to help out with the new baby on June 24; there’s a New Moon on July 1; Becky’s sister and brother-in-law and our two nieces will be visiting Denver from roughly July 3 to July 7; and Independence Day is July 4 (duh). I mention the latter date because we’ve got a lot of family members born either on holidays or on their “eves”: Becky on Flag Day, Loyette on New Year’s Eve, and me on the day before Halloween (and if you want to include the prior generation, my dad on Valentine’s Day).

As for times and other vitals… FWIW, Becky went into labor with Loyette in the wee hours on her exact due date (December 31, 2007), and gave birth to a 7 pound, 14 ounce, 21 inch baby at 2:13 PM. With Loyacita, Becky was induced in the morning of July 13, 2009 (five days after her due date), and an 8 pound, 9.7 ounce, 19.75 inch baby was born at 2:41 PM.

Previous winners of our baby pools are Josh Rubin and Mike Marchand (with Neil Waechter winning the weight/height pool last time around).

So again, leave your guesses in comments!

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.]

We would have a difficult time explaining in this opinion, let alone providing guidance to a jury, as to what type of conduct is unreasonably unreasonable or reasonably unreasonable.

The Supreme Court of Colorado, in Lombard v. Colo. Outdoor Educ. Ctr., Inc., 187 P.3d 565, 575 (Colo. 2008), making fun of the legislature

File this one in the irony pile

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A group of Republican Senators and Representatives are putting forward an ammendment to the Constituion that would grant states the ability to veto federal laws. Thats right, the self proclaimed “Party of Lincoln”, founded to defend the Union and the federal government vs. the states rights advocated by southern states which eventually seceded and formed the confederacy is attempting to undermine federal authority in favor of the states. Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?

If this is the policy they want to pursue, thats fine, but its high time they stop invoking Lincoln given that he stood for the opposite of what they do today. Teddy Roosevelt would seem to be a bit of a mismatch too. Reagan is spot on though, they can still be the Party of Reagan.