Randy Styles wins LRT Bowl Pick ’em

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Randy Styles of South Bend, Indiana won the 6th annual Living Room Times Bowl Pick ’em Contest on Monday as Auburn beat Oregon for the BCS national championship.

Styles, a.k.a. “wolfmanbc,” finishes with 45 out of a possible 60 points, and a 25-10 prediction record. Remarkably, when New Year’s Day dawned, Styles was just 12-10, but he was perfect in 2011 with 13 consecutive correct predictions to end the contest, getting all of the BCS and other January bowls right.

John Presper, a.k.a. Joe Mama, finished second with 43 points and a 23-12 record. Jeff Freeze, also 23-12, finished third with 41 points. He would have won the contest if Oregon had won the title game.

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