Would like to thank Congress f…
Would like to thank Congress for giving my kids free vaccinations. Why not universal care for the under 18 set?
Would like to thank Congress for giving my kids free vaccinations. Why not universal care for the under 18 set?
Dear John McCain, using procedure to block a vote on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell makes you look like a giant boil on the cock of the Senate.
Staying up late chatting with your best friend: fabulous. A toddler who jumps on your kidneys at 5:30am: karmic retribution. #irepent
Hanging out on the jury holding room with a bunch of other bored people. #yaycivics
Victory!!! She succumbed to the treat temptation! The dog can do stairs. #yayforourbacks
I currently have a bunch of tasty treats on each stair but she has yet to be tempted.
Has a new foster greyhound puppy. Any thoughts on how to persuade her to come down the stairs?
Working weekends sux. #ihatestudentloans
I give up trying to sneak healthy veggies into the Mac n cheese. #1 always knows!
Dear Tropicana, you suck for reducing your oj container to 59 ozs. Thanks for screwing the consumer in a recession. #corporate ssholes