Twitter: Downloading the new …
Twitter: Downloading the new @Great_Big_Sea album, “Safe Upon The Shore,” out today. Woohoo!
Twitter: Downloading the new @Great_Big_Sea album, “Safe Upon The Shore,” out today. Woohoo!
Twitter: I’m fairly certain @MileHighBecky laced her rice-krispy treats with cocaine, judging by how addictive they are.
Twitter: RT @BreakingNews: Boston’s David Ortiz wins his first MLB Home Run Derby title; Florida’s Hanley Ramirez is second – NBC Sports
Twitter: RT @fmanjoo: Methane bubble “doomsday” story debunked | Dammit, and I hadn’t even had a chance to fully #PANIC yet.
Twitter: NCAA’s hybrid 68-team tourney model “feels like a test case for a move to a 72-team event,” writes @aglock:
Twitter: Becky’s on Twitter. #PANIC RT @MileHighBecky: My cat licked the food I made for dinner. 20 min later, she barfed on my carpet. #bestchefever
Twitter: RT @cnnbrk: BP appears to have placed a new containment cap on well in Gulf; tests still needed to determine effectiveness
Twitter: #PANIC RT @markos: The inability of small businesses to get credit from banks is a HUGE problem.
FriendFeed: Bright side of NCAA format change: I can throw out the 5-7-10-15-20-25 scoring system I’ve been using in my LRT pools for the last 15 years. I’ve kept it around for legacy / historical comparison purposes, even though I’ve grown to hate it. But now it’s gotta change anyway, so I can rethink the scoring system from scratch.