FriendFeed: Why Apple’s iPhone …
FriendFeed: Why Apple’s iPhone 4 Update Won’t Fix Your Reception Problem
FriendFeed: Why Apple’s iPhone 4 Update Won’t Fix Your Reception Problem
Twitter: RT @Stareagle: Greatest red card ever. Suarez just saved Uruguay with a blatantly illegal play.
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Uruguay defeats Ghana on penalty kicks after 1-1 draw, will face Dutch in World Cup semifinals.
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Brazil out of World Cup. The Netherlands reach semifinal with 2-1 win.
Twitter: #PANIC RT @fivethirtyeight: Sobering commentary on possibility of double-dip recession by the must-read John Hussman.
Twitter: RT @allahpundit: More bad jobs numbers coming tomorrow | Unexpectedly!
Twitter: Steve Jobs “it’s just a phone” email exchange was faked, Apple PR says:
FriendFeed: A Very Scary Light Show: Exploding H-Bombs In Space
FriendFeed: Steve Jobs to Angry iPhone 4 User: “Relax, it’s just a phone.”
Twitter: RT @wxchannel: Things are not good in Monterrey, Mexico. #HurricaneAlex