Twitter: BZZZZZZZZ!!! RT @dmataconis: …
Twitter: BZZZZZZZZ!!! RT @dmataconis: I know what the Kagan confirmation hearings need — vuvuzelas !! (h/t to @ExJon and @bccohan)
Twitter: BZZZZZZZZ!!! RT @dmataconis: I know what the Kagan confirmation hearings need — vuvuzelas !! (h/t to @ExJon and @bccohan)
Twitter: OMG!!! #nerd RT @HarryPotterFilm: Look for the new HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS trailer on at 4pm PST!
Twitter: So we’ve got a Hawaiian-born president, and a Hawaiian third in line for the presidency. RT @thecaucus: Inouye to Be Senate President Pro Tem
Twitter: I just spilled a bunch of orange juice… about 2 inches away from my iPhone 4. Soul-crushing calamity averted by sheer luck. #thereisagod
Twitter: RT @fivethirtyeight: Hearing it’s likely that at 4:30 press conference, WV SoS will announce no special election for Byrd seat until 2012.
FriendFeed: Apple Sold 1.7 Million iPhone 4s In Three Days
FriendFeed: T.S. Alex track forecast keeps shifting to the right; Hurricane Watches up for Texas, Mexico coasts
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Supreme Court strikes down Chicago handgun ban; case may have far-reaching impact for states, local governments.
Twitter: Paul Krugman: “We are now, I fear, in the early stages of a third depression.” #PANIC
Twitter: Just bought tickets to Boise State @ Wyoming on 9/18. Now Boise had better freakin’ beat Virginia Tech on Labor Day! I don’t want to see some 0-1 WAC team.