Twitter: Conflicting interpretations of …
Twitter: Conflicting interpretations of WV law re: Byrd’s replacement: No decision yet, per Sec of State:
Twitter: Conflicting interpretations of WV law re: Byrd’s replacement: No decision yet, per Sec of State:
Twitter: RT @wxchannel: Alex is forecast to become a hurricane tonight, and may become a major hurricane (cat 3) late Wed or early Thu.
FriendFeed: RT @marcambinder: Dem state chair Nick Casey seen as Byrd’s likely replacement. Gov. Joe Manchin will declare a “vacancy” and then appt. placeholder. … BUT if vacancy is declared after July 3, successor serves through 2012. If not, GOP has another seat in 2010 to contest.
Twitter: RT @jeffzeleny: The NYT’s legendary Adam Clymer writes the definitive obituary of Senator Robert C. Byrd, who died early today.
Twitter: RT @washingtonpost: Sen. Robert Byrd, 92, who became the longest-serving member of Congress in history, died Monday. –
FriendFeed: Chris Stewart, fourth-year starting guard on Notre Dame football team, to be a 1L at NDLS in the fall
Twitter: ROFL!!! #itsawar RT @CaptainAnnoying: Whatever. If Ghana played in the SEC they’d be lucky to win three games.
Twitter: RT @hurricanes: TS Alex winds up to 65 mph. Forecast path shifted west again. 5-day forecast cone
Twitter: RT @daveweigel: New rule I just made up: team that beats the USA wins our national debt. Enjoy, Ghana!
Twitter: RT @SPORTSbyBROOKS: Great performance by Ghana. They deserved it. Game-winner was an amazing strike. Goal of the tournament so far.