Twitter: I BLAME THE …
Twitter: I BLAME THE TWITTERS!! RT @steverubel: Traffic to Blogger and WordPress is stagnating –
Twitter: I BLAME THE TWITTERS!! RT @steverubel: Traffic to Blogger and WordPress is stagnating –
Twitter: Question for long-time iPhone owners: Any recommendations re: must-have apps?
Twitter: Best part of Sunday’s #ENG-#GER match: England’s inevitable “Camptown Races” chant. “Two World Wars and one World Cup, doo-dah, doo-dah…”
Twitter: RT @sardesairajdeep: world cup like world war 2. the french surrendered early, americans arrived at last minute, british left to fight germans!
Twitter: RT @BrianNeudorff: RT @NEWS25sdimmich: National Hurricane Center: HIGH chance for 1st named Atlantic storm in next 48 hours. #hurricane…
Twitter: So if you’re cheering for #USA, you’re racist. 🙂 RT @nytimesgoal: Ghana Alone Carries Burden of Africa’s Expectations
Twitter: New iPhone awesomeness: Listening to Knoxville’s @WDVX in my car, in Denver, via @ooTunes. (Will have to watch data cap, though!)
Twitter: After a long battle with cancer, blogger extraordinaire Alan Sullivan is near death. Touching farewells from his readers:
Twitter: Bush:The Internets::Obama:The Twitters – LOL!! HAHAHAHA
Twitter: Dear Steve Jobs: I love you. Sincerely, a thus-far utterly delighted & enthralled first-time iPhone owner. #iphone4 #nerdheaven