Twitter: Breaking News From …
Twitter: Breaking News From 2004 (at least it should’ve been): Making progress rebuilding at One World Trade Center
Twitter: Breaking News From 2004 (at least it should’ve been): Making progress rebuilding at One World Trade Center
Twitter: RT @hotdogsladies: What doesn’t kill us makes us tediously regurgitate the one sentence of Nietzsche we could be bothered to read.
Twitter: Loyette, this morning, as I was giving Becky a kiss before going to work: “Daddy, Daddy!! You forgot to give ME a kiss!!”
Twitter: RT @BreakingNews: Chicagoans dodge flying glass as storm rips windows from 110-story tower, knocks out electricity for thousands
FriendFeed: Is USC now banned from a potential Pac-12 championship game in 2012?
Twitter: RT @MaliRef: Hey Jim Joyce, you’re welcome. Glad I could take the heat off you for a little while. #KomanCoulibaly
Twitter: RT @MaliRef: Don’t blame me #USA, it was the Vuvuzelas. They distracted me. #KomanCoulibaly
FriendFeed: Heh: “A reader suggests the Pac-10 should rename itself the 12-Pac and see if it can forge a marketing partnership with Coors, which should be easy now that Colorado is joining the conference.
There could be two six-Pac divisions, the Coors and Coors Lite. Naturally, Utah would be in Coors Lite.”
Twitter: Fraud? “I’m not going to say he’s taking money, but there’s a pretty good chance.” Or: a makeup call?
FriendFeed: Joe Posnanski on The Goal That Wasn’t