Twitter: RT @ChipBrownOB: To …
Twitter: RT @ChipBrownOB: To the best of my ability on short sleep, here’s how the Big 12 Missile Crisis ended in a stand down. …
Twitter: RT @ChipBrownOB: To the best of my ability on short sleep, here’s how the Big 12 Missile Crisis ended in a stand down. …
Twitter: RT @dmataconis: Obama Oil Spill Speech Reax: Epic Fail
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — An 6.4-magnitude earthquake has struck off the coast of Indonesia, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
Twitter: RT @CalebHowe: Let me be clear. Some oil spilled. But Katrina. And make no mistake. I’m having meetings. In conclusion, something about China. Windmills!
Twitter: RT @corcoran310: @brendanloy cancel the whole thing bro. get a tent and camp out all night by your apple store. I bet ur girls will love it!
Twitter: Oil flow estimates: 5k barrels –> 12.6k to 50k –> 35k to 60k. In other news, Dr. Evil thinks the clean-up could cost ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!
Twitter: RT @Andy_Staples: RT @RecruitingAJC: Former Carver-Columbus LB Jarvis Jones has decided to transfer to Georgia from USC. Story coming soon!
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Government officials raise estimate of oil spewing from a well in the Gulf of Mexico to 35,000-60,000 barrels per day.
Twitter: Here’s hoping!! New iPhone Antenna Aims to Better Hold Calls –
FriendFeed: AT&T Network Once Again Fails iPhone Launch