Twitter: RT @ChipBrownOB: Texas …
Twitter: RT @ChipBrownOB: Texas A&M regents have the votes to join the SEC and could announce that move as early as next week, sources tell
Twitter: RT @ChipBrownOB: Texas A&M regents have the votes to join the SEC and could announce that move as early as next week, sources tell
Twitter: RT @ChipBrownOB: Kansas appears to have the edge on Utah to get invited to the Pac-10 if Texas A&M decides to jump to the SEC, sources say.
Twitter: RT @ChipBrownOB: Dan Beebe trying to show 10 schools left in Big 12 they can still earn SEC-type TV money ($17m per) AND have their own TV networks.
Twitter: RT @ChipBrownOB: Some in B12 think if OU drank truth serum it would choose the SEC over Pac-10. SEC is calling the Sooners, who, so far, point to Pac-10.
Twitter: RT @gkketch: A&M is set to meet with Larry Scott today. To say this is a big day in the history of football in the state of Texas is an understatement.
FriendFeed: Mike Garrett continues to embarrass USC; “it’s time for him to go, and as of yesterday”
Twitter: RT @ESPNAndyKatz: As we close the night, Michigan State coach Tom Izzo still hasn’t made up his mind. He still needs time to decide on the NBA/Cavs or MSU.
Twitter: RT @slmandel: So TAMU’s Indepedence Bowl level fball program may hold the key to whether KU’s national title hoops program ends up in Pac10 or Mtn West
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — U.S. soccer team plays to 1-1 draw with favored England at World Cup.
Twitter: RT @aglock: 1-1 F. Great result for the US. Good effort, boys!