FriendFeed: “Vote early. Vote …
FriendFeed: “Vote early. Vote often. Vote drunk!”
FriendFeed: “Vote early. Vote often. Vote drunk!”
Twitter: BBC will live-stream its election coverage tonight at Alas, no @wolfblitzercnn to tell us what’s happening RIGHT NOW.
Twitter: RT @michellemalkin: RT @alliworthington: Wed. Pics from #Flood2010 #NashvilleFloods
Twitter: NY Times discovers something @FailBlog and @EngrishFunny readers know all about: “the Mangled English of Chinglish” –
FriendFeed: Andrew Sullivan rounds up previews & predictions for tomorrow’s U.K. elections
Twitter: RT @PatrickRuffini: Two English-English words that definitely need to make their way over here more: chuffed, rubbish
FriendFeed: Joe the Plumber elected to local Republican Party committee in Lucas County, Ohio
Twitter: RT @ConanOBrien: I’m in San Jose and I’m going to visit Google. If you look up ‘Google’ on Google from Google, you see the face of God.
FriendFeed: Alan Sullivan translates Greece’s “national tantrum”: “We spent more than we earned. Now we’re broke and spending even more than before. But those greedy Germans [i.e., the ones who are bailing us out!] demand ‘austerity measures.’ Let’s shut down our country! That’ll teach them…”
Twitter: I’m sitting at work, humming the song that’s stuck in my head: “I’m a Little Teapot.” Sang it to Loyette last night. Repeatedly. #parenthood