Twitter: CNN Breaking News …
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Eight people killed in clashes between anti-government protesters and Thai police and military, emergency center says.
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Eight people killed in clashes between anti-government protesters and Thai police and military, emergency center says.
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Polish president Lech Kaczynski feared dead after plane crash at western Russia airport.
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — West Virginia governor says four missing miners have been found dead.
Twitter: Anyone have suggestions for a good, cheap wireless printer that’ll connect to my AirPort Extreme network?
Twitter: Compare & contrast. ACORN: advised fake pimps; disbanded. Catholic Church: harbored real child rapists for decades; not disbanded. Discuss.
FriendFeed: AP: Future pope stalled pedophile case for “good of the church”; child-molesting priest returned to youth ministry while Rome weighed his fate
Twitter: Man, how awesome would it be if the final pairing on Sunday was Tiger Woods and Tom Watson?
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens plans to retire, the high court’s press office reports.
Twitter: A random girl in Trinidad, Colorado just spotted me on the street and shouted out her car window, “Hey, I like your blog!” I’m speechless.
Twitter: OMG! Butler bulldog cam! RT @ButlerBlue2: The live office webcam is up & running again today. Sleeping as usual. Enjoy!