Twitter: CNN Breaking News …
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — At least 10 people killed in wreck on Interstate 65 in Kentucky, state police say.
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — At least 10 people killed in wreck on Interstate 65 in Kentucky, state police say.
Twitter: I blame Obama. RT @brando_minich The fact that my bracket is alive portends a space-time continuum collapse that could destroy the world!
FriendFeed: Casey Zak, Sharon Greggs tied for LRT pool lead after first half of Sweet 16: 30 still alive to win:
Twitter: RT @abcpentagon: Gen. Petraeus told reporters in New Hampshire last night that he will never run for public office.
Twitter: RT @JoeTaxpayer: Democrats are worried that we will attack them. So I’m declaring tomorrow “National Hug a Liberal Day” (via @MelissaTweets)
FriendFeed: 36 contestants still alive in LRT men’s pool
FriendFeed: Casey Zak and Sharon Greggs — both of whom picked Butler to reach the Elite Eight — take the LRT pool lead
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — House OKs Senate changes to health care law’s “fixes,” ending legislative action on Obama’s top domestic priority.
Twitter: The @midmajority, asking the Qs the MSM won’t. @OmarSamhan ♥ @taylorswift13! RT: That was me. Best Tournament Ever.
FriendFeed: LOL… a tweet by the coach of the UConn women’s next opponent, Iowa State: RT @ISUCoachFen Probably should not have watched so much video on UCONN–going to have nightmares!! Wow what a great team (via @LukeMeredithAP)