Twitter: Just realized I …
Twitter: Just realized I accidentally brought #DU Bally to work. He’s been in my coat pocket all day. #SeriousLawyerFAIL
Twitter: Just realized I accidentally brought #DU Bally to work. He’s been in my coat pocket all day. #SeriousLawyerFAIL
Twitter: RT @normative: TSA Agents Absolutely Hate New Pat Downs, Find Them Disgusting And Morale Breaking
Twitter: RT @midmajority: [RLU ALERT] Davidson 70, Nebraska 67 | @RedLineUpsets
Twitter: RT @peteboone: 2014 Chickfila classic Thursday night Boise vs Ole miss. 2011 Ole miss opener Byu
Twitter: RT @TSAgov: Some people view 1984 as a cautionary tale on the danger of authoritarianism. We view it as a handbook. #tsa #tsagov
Twitter: LetsGoDU: DU Gets WACked As Hawaii Bids Aloha #DU #PANIC
Twitter: #PANIC #PANIC #PANIC 🙂 RT @KraigW @brendanloy I think you forgot to add #PANIC to that last WAC tweet
Twitter: I forgot Karl Benson was going to be at the #DU game last night! I could’ve found him & asked him about the Hawaii stuff! Damn!
Twitter: #trojanPANIC RT @LisaHorne: Perfect for Beavers. RT @manzueto89 Its raining out here in Portland. Weather is terrible right now.
Twitter: Not including me. #sadface RT @9newsdotcom: ‘Harry Potter’ conjures $24M at midnight showings