Twitter: RT @aglock: @brendanloy …
Twitter: RT @aglock: @brendanloy So other than not checking where you were going and naming your site the same thing as someone else, you’re rockin’ it?
Twitter: RT @aglock: @brendanloy So other than not checking where you were going and naming your site the same thing as someone else, you’re rockin’ it?
Twitter: Because of major Twitter-to-@CoverItLive slowness, I am going to liveblog directly into the CoverItLive interface at
Twitter: I just discovered there is another site called “Pioneer Post” covering #DU basketball. I literally had no idea til just now. #copyrightPANIC
Twitter: #DU is starting Chris Udofia instead of Travis Hallam.
Twitter: RT @ballybasketball: I can sit here becuz I’m small!
Twitter: .@coveritlive liveblog on loading tweets a bit slowly, for some reason. Anyway, Rams on floor.
Twitter: #DU BALLY IS IN THE BUILDING. Magness Arena will never be the same. @midmajority @ballybasketball
Twitter: It has belatedly occurred to me that I haven’t the foggiest idea where I’m going. Like, uh, is there a media entrance? #journalistFAIL
Twitter: RT @BryanDFischer: Note to Georgia State, don’t run screens against Alabama. | Note to Alabama, don’t play Georgia State. #itsaWAR
Twitter: Here. #DU