Twitter: RT @BryanDFischer: I …
Twitter: RT @BryanDFischer: I can also confirm that the NCAA has moved some enforcement staff from the Agentgate case in UNC/SCar to the Newton case.
Twitter: RT @BryanDFischer: I can also confirm that the NCAA has moved some enforcement staff from the Agentgate case in UNC/SCar to the Newton case.
Twitter: In chat, @murphsturph raised a #PANIC scenario: Newton held ineligible pre-12/4, AU wins vacated, including LSU’s only L. Tigers jump Boise?
Twitter: RT @murphsturph: More on possible Boise State schedule shifts
Twitter: RT @dmataconis: Nancy Pelosi: America’s Most Disliked Politician
Twitter: .@ballybasketball’s cousin DU Bally & I will be liveblogging the #DU-Colorado St. game tonight: #midswin #RLU #GoPios!
Twitter: RT @defiantlydutch: Hate to quote the Black Eyed Peas, but I got a feeling tonight’s gonna be a good good night! #BEATUNC #HOFSTRA
Twitter: Sweet! I’ll apparently be at a press table behind one of the baselines. Look for DU Bally! RT @thrashsoundly: CSU DU game is on here on FSN.
Twitter: RT @RepPaulRyan: We’ve got to get serious on entitlement reform, because if we don’t tackle this problem, it’s going to tackle us.
Twitter: RT @TheRickWilson: Today, antimatter…tomorrow: warp drive. YES!
Twitter: RT @iowahawkblog: What did William Butler Yeats yell at the football referee? “The center cannot hold!” #elitisthumor