Twitter: RT @dlindber: odds …
Twitter: RT @dlindber: odds of TSA backscatter machine killing you the same as getting killed by terrorists. Brilliant!
Twitter: RT @dlindber: odds of TSA backscatter machine killing you the same as getting killed by terrorists. Brilliant!
Twitter: RT @denverpost: PHOTOS: #TSA screening passengers w/ new security measures at Denver International Airport yesterday:
Twitter: Dear TSA: when I fly Wed, do what you must to me, but you will NOT take naked images or do “enhanced pat-downs” of my 1- & 2-year old girls.
Twitter: #DU’s next opponent after CSU, Alcorn State, lost 103-48 at #14 Purdue tonight: Pioneers host Braves next Wednesday.
Twitter: Stop whatever you’re doing and watch these: The Gus Johnson Top 10. I watched all of them except #4. #stilltoopainful
Twitter: More bad news for Boise State and TCU!! #PANIC!!! What? Oh. Never mind. RT @TheoRabinowitz: Wow. Seattle beat Oregon State tonight.
Twitter: Waiter, this is not the #midswin #CHAOS I ordered! #PANIC! RT @midmajority: [RLU ALERT] Rider 77, Southern California 57.
Twitter: RT @pwire: Adding to Obama’s bad week: First Gitmo detainee to stand trial acquitted on 284 of 285 counts…
Twitter: RT @KevinCurranX: @thesplenda @brendanloy These LRT rankings are bogus! I demand a playoff! | And devalue the regular season? I think not!
Twitter: “No, we don’t tickle our cheese.” #ThingsOnlyParentsSay