Twitter: RT @TheSplenda: @KevinCurranX …
Twitter: RT @TheSplenda: @KevinCurranX @brendanloy Bring me the finest meats and cheeses in all the land! I am the king of the prognosticators! Long live the king!
Twitter: RT @TheSplenda: @KevinCurranX @brendanloy Bring me the finest meats and cheeses in all the land! I am the king of the prognosticators! Long live the king!
Twitter: RT @MelissaTweets: Alvin Greene (Loser-SC): ‘I’m the greatest person ever’
Twitter: You too, Boise & TCU fans! RT @CliffGT: Oregon St is asking for “Orange Out” of Reser Stadium for USC & Civil War games. So wear all orange.
Twitter: RT @TSAgov: Don’t be alarmed if one of our Agents tries to spoon with you. It’s called a “synchronised full-body freedom pat.” #tsa #tsagov
Twitter: Via @DailyGreenout, #DU is a 3-point favorite over Colorado State tomorrow night at Magness Arena:
Twitter: RT @DailyGreenout: Game Preview: Colorado State (1-0) and Denver (0-3) Square Off | #DU
Twitter: Gonzaga’s Elias Harris has possible Achilles tendon injury: #zagPANIC
Twitter: Don’t. Underestimate. Her. #VoteRomney? #Gingrich? #AnybodyButPalin! RT @politico: Palin says she can defeat Obama:
Twitter: RT @KevinCurranX: @brendanloy I grudgingly accept my inevitable loss in your socialist LRT Election Contest. Well done @TheSplenda! #PANIC
Twitter: RT @SPORTSbyBROOKS: What would happen if an athletics booster ran the entire budget of an SEC school? #FBI #wiretaps