FriendFeed: All Eyes On …
FriendFeed: All Eyes On Clegg
FriendFeed: All Eyes On Clegg
FriendFeed: #justsayin If Gordon Brown is promising the LibDems “immediate” electoral reform legislation in return for their joining a coalition government with him, what’s to stop them from joining until the legislation passes, then immediately bolting and demanding a new election?
FriendFeed: White House doesn’t rule out sabotage in market fluctuation
Twitter: RT @nytimes: NYT NEWS ALERT: Dow Jones Industrials End Turbulent Week Down by 5.5%; Loss on Friday is 1.3%
Twitter: RT @pourmecoffee: Thank you, science, for answering my question: it just *seems* like earthquake activity is high.
Twitter: If Dow Flash Crash had been 60 pts steeper & 15 minutes earlier, trading would’ve halted — so, no instant rebound. Counterproductive? Hmm.
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — UK election ends in hung parliament; official returns show no party can obtain a majority
Twitter: Pet peeve: an individual blog post is not a “blog.” It’s a post ON a blog. So it’s incorrect to describe a new post as “my new blog.”
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — A containment dome has been lowered into Gulf of Mexico at site of oil leak, says BP spokesman.
Twitter: “The US market dropped 481 points in 6 minutes and recovered 502 points just 10 minutes later”