Twitter: WTF kind of …
Twitter: WTF kind of a 1.6-seconds-left “play” was that, Tennessee? LAME. Now I can only win my office pool with a Butler-over-Duke title game.
Twitter: WTF kind of a 1.6-seconds-left “play” was that, Tennessee? LAME. Now I can only win my office pool with a Butler-over-Duke title game.
Twitter: RT @midmajority Len Elmore, Gus Johnson… and Bally!!!! (@thrashsoundly and @KraigW did this)
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — President Obama arrives in Kabul on an unannounced trip to Afghanistan.
Twitter: Lauren Taylor leads women’s pool after Baylor-over-Tenn pick: 12 alive, including Loyette and I:
Twitter: I read @midmajority’s “Bally’s Dream” to Loyette tonight. It has never felt more appropriate. “Each team has a chance.” Go Butler!
Twitter: RT @thrashsoundly: @midmajority FINAL FOUR BABY! #toobigyo
Twitter: Season 6 of @midmajority will end at Sports Bubble Stadium, with Butler in the Final Four. You can’t make this stuff up.
Twitter: BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!! EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Twitter: BUTLER WINS!!!!! BUTLER GOING TO THE FINAL FOUR!!!! BACK TO INDY!!!! @midmajority SEASON 6 LIVES!!!!!!! #midswin #holyshit #fate #fate #fate
Twitter: – Got the t-shirt on. GO BUTLER!!! 18-10. #midswin #season6forever