Twitter: RT @cnnbrk: BP …
Twitter: RT @cnnbrk: BP appears to have placed a new containment cap on well in Gulf; tests still needed to determine effectiveness
Twitter: RT @cnnbrk: BP appears to have placed a new containment cap on well in Gulf; tests still needed to determine effectiveness
Twitter: #PANIC RT @markos: The inability of small businesses to get credit from banks is a HUGE problem.
FriendFeed: Bright side of NCAA format change: I can throw out the 5-7-10-15-20-25 scoring system I’ve been using in my LRT pools for the last 15 years. I’ve kept it around for legacy / historical comparison purposes, even though I’ve grown to hate it. But now it’s gotta change anyway, so I can rethink the scoring system from scratch.
Twitter: RT @Joey_Kaufman: Rumored that #USC president-elect Max Nikias is meeting with boosters, asking for their thoughts on Garrett. May be moving toward a buyout?
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Six killed, four wounded in workplace shooting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, police say.
Twitter: RT @Ivan_Maisel: Why USC really wants to beat Stanford. Really, really, really.
FriendFeed: July 11 Total Solar Eclipse Photo Gallery from
Twitter: PETA demands release of psychic ‘Octopus Paul’ – PETA HAS OFFICIALLY GONE TOO FAR. #heh
Twitter: Dem governors warn White House that suing Arizona over immigration is politically “toxic.” Um, YA THINK?!? #obamaFAIL
Twitter: #PANIC RT @nytimes: Crisis Awaits World’s Banks as Trillions Come Due