Twitter: Walkoff homerun by …
Twitter: Walkoff homerun by Giambi off Papelbon, and Rockies win 8-6. #wow
Twitter: Walkoff homerun by Giambi off Papelbon, and Rockies win 8-6. #wow
Twitter: Rockies’ Ubaldo Jimenez gave up 6 runs to Red Sox tonight; his ERA climbed from 1.15 to 1.60. But Stewart just bailed him out. 6-6, Bot 9th.
Twitter: AT&T rep just called. “Your phone is at the store and ready to be picked up as early as 7:00 AM tomorrow.” #YAY #nerd
Twitter: iPhone 4 loses reception when you hold it by the antenna band? Also, yellow screens? Uh-oh. #PANIC
FriendFeed: Canadian earthquake downgraded from 5.5 to 5.0; no injuries or damage reported
FriendFeed: President Obama on Afghanistan, General McChrystal & General Petraeus
Twitter: At 59-59. RT @SethDavisHoops: Match called for today on account of darkness. May they finish before World Cup reaches Final Four.
Twitter: RT @macworld: iPhone: A family portrait (via @jsnell)
Twitter: RT @jonahkeri: Best liveblog that has ever or will ever be written. Never want Isner-Mahut to end, because this guy needs to keep writing:
Twitter: RT @slmandel: Mahut-Isner now 50-50, getting standing ovation. This fifth set would qualify as longest MATCH in Wimbledon history.