Twitter: Hand up. RT …
Twitter: Hand up. RT @ndtex: Show of hands, how many of y’all were afraid to cheer the #USA winner because you were ready for it to be taken away?
Twitter: Hand up. RT @ndtex: Show of hands, how many of y’all were afraid to cheer the #USA winner because you were ready for it to be taken away?
Twitter: RT @best_day_ever: i feel bad for anyone who doesn’t care about the #worldcup. you just missed a tiny moment of mindblowing amazingness.
Twitter: RT @GrantWahl: FT #USA 1:0 #ALG US wins Group C, could be facing a workable path to the semifinals of World Cup 2010. Unbelievable emotion on field.
Twitter: RT @whitehouse: USA USA USA #teamusa #worldcup USA USA USA
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — The U.S. team has defeated Algeria 1-0 in the World Cup and will advance to the next round.
Twitter: RT @ndtex: GOAL!!!!! #USA #AMERICAFUCKYEAH
Twitter: Either the #USA or Slovenia needs to score in the next minute or 2, otherwise it’s all over, America utterly robbed of a spot in next round.
Twitter: RT @mattyglesias: Anti-American refereeing highlights failure of Obama’s public diplomacy.
Twitter: #USA goals in this #worldcup so far: 2 actual goals that counted, 2 wrongly disallowed goals, 1 goal by idiot English goalie.