Twitter: RT @bcondotta: Am …
Twitter: RT @bcondotta: Am told the Pac-10 is likely to make an official announcement of the invitation of Utah soon, like in a few hours or so.
Twitter: RT @bcondotta: Am told the Pac-10 is likely to make an official announcement of the invitation of Utah soon, like in a few hours or so.
Twitter: RT @frankthetank111: Conference realignment not over? Several rumors of Memphis and UCF to join Big East this week. Might mean a split of the league.
Twitter: Heh. RT @JPFreire: I’m starting a tautology watch to make sure that tautologies are being watched. (via @MelissaTweets)
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg the board of BP has decided not to pay any further dividends this year.
Twitter: Tea Party yawns, says health-care reform is the real threat to liberty. RT @JonHenke: Unbelievable. American citizen exiled without due process.
Twitter: So, in summary, USC to visit Boulder every other season, starting either next year or the following year? YES YES YES!!! #TheOppositeOfPANIC
FriendFeed: ESPN: Colorado was promised Pac-12 North/South split & spot in USC’s division; “zipper” division idea “has no traction”; start date could move up to 2011
Twitter: Switzerland, a 200-1 shot to win the World Cup, stuns favorite Spain, 1-0. Wow! … Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, says @the_vuvuzela.
Twitter: Holy cow, Switzerland leads Spain 1-0 with just a few mins left! RT @nytimesgoal Live Update: The stunner of the Cup?
Twitter: RT @GrantWahl: Just because you love soccer and the #WorldCup doesn’t mean you have to love this WC (so far). Problem isn’t just goals; fewer chances too.