Twitter: RT @BFeldmanESPN: Texting …
Twitter: RT @BFeldmanESPN: Texting last night with a Pac-10 coach: “Nothing would surprise me. We could add the Chicago Blackhawks and Manchester United by Sunday”
Twitter: RT @BFeldmanESPN: Texting last night with a Pac-10 coach: “Nothing would surprise me. We could add the Chicago Blackhawks and Manchester United by Sunday”
Twitter: RT @SportsCenter: The 2010 FIFA World Cup has officially kicked off…You can watch all the action on ESPN and ESPN3.
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — At least 6 dead at Arkansas campground after flash flooding, Polk County sheriff’s officer tells CNN.
Twitter: I must have missed his resignation/firing. RT @schadjoe: I must have missed a press conference or video message from Mike Garrett yesterday.
Twitter: RT @butleru: Good morning and happy Friday/first day of the World Cup. Keep up with the rest of the world this month–our #FF pick: @FIFAWorldCupTM
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Australian search crews make contact with missing teen sailor Abby Sunderland, according to family spokesman.
Twitter: RT @richarddeitsch: Heisman voters weigh whether Reggie Bush should keep the award:
Twitter: RT @DufresneLATimes: Report (ESPN?) that a proposed Pac-16 would split in divisions but NOT play a title game is not true….there WOULD be a title game
Twitter: RT @libertypapers: As of today, the Big 10 has 12 teams and the Big 12 has 10 teams. These are *fine* academic institutions, huh?
Twitter: An opening for Kansas? Or Utah? RT @ChipBrownOB I’m told Texas, Texas Tech, Oklahoma and OK St. are going to the Pac-10 with or without A&M.