Twitter: RT @jimgeraghty: If …
Twitter: RT @jimgeraghty: If defeated in November, Jerry Brown pledges to spend more time in his other career, fighting Spider-Man dressed up as a vulture.
Twitter: RT @jimgeraghty: If defeated in November, Jerry Brown pledges to spend more time in his other career, fighting Spider-Man dressed up as a vulture.
Twitter: RT @SwingState: AP calls NV-Sen (R) for wild-eyed Club for Growth wingnut Sharron Angle. Harry Reid, you are one lucky sumbitch.
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Meg Whitman wins the GOP nomination for California governor, defeating Steve Poizner, CNN confirms.
Twitter: RT @daveweigel: Meg Whitman GOP primary win, item condition new, $81,000,000. YOU HAVE BOUGHT THIS ITEM. (via @Wonkette)
Twitter: So will @kausmickey will feel that his point was proven if Boxer is held under 80%, even if @BrianQuintana gets most of the anti-Boxer vote?
Twitter: RT @daveweigel: Kaus: 19,853 votes. Taitz: 83,451 votes. Developing…
Twitter: RT @daveweigel: Oh thank you God. Orly Taitz losing 74-26.
Twitter: With 10% of precincts reporting: Barbara Boxer 78.4%, Brian Quintana 16.3%, Mickey Kaus 5.3% – Who is @BrianQuintana?!
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Sen. Blanche Lincoln victorious in Arkansas Democratic Senate primary runoff as Lt. Gov. Bill Halter concedes.
Twitter: What I take away from this chart – – is that I, for one, welcome our new Norwegian overlords.