Twitter: I neglected to …
Twitter: I neglected to tweet the final score from Boulder. CU won 34-14. Still mathematically alive for bowl eligibility (though quite unlikely).
Twitter: I neglected to tweet the final score from Boulder. CU won 34-14. Still mathematically alive for bowl eligibility (though quite unlikely).
Twitter: RT @NYDNDickWeiss: one sec tweeter with a sense of gallows humor: “Auburn improved its record to 0-11.”
Twitter: James Rodgers’ injury has been devastating to three separate teams: Oregon State, Boise State, and TCU.
Twitter: Wazzu 31, Oregon St 14, final. First Pac-10 win in forever for Cougars. Baghdad Bob says: THIS IS GREAT NEWS!! FOR BOISE AND TCU!!
Twitter: RT @slmandel: TCU hangs on, but tomorrow will be a very interesting poll. Imagine Boise picks up some votes.
Twitter: I had a bad feeling about this Oregon State-Wazzu game. I was right. Cougars lead 24-14 late. Terrible for TCU and Boise.
Twitter: RT @Dan_Rubenstein: This is the defense of the SEC’s best team? Don’t they play “real” football there?
Twitter: RT @tbevilacqua1034: It’s 35-28 Auburn and it’s not even the 4th quarter? What about those SEC defenses?
Would love to see a celebrity death match between Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnell.
Twitter: Raise your hand if you had Notre Dame getting to 5-5 by losing to Tulsa, beating Utah.