Twitter: “It’s OK, Daddy, …
Twitter: “It’s OK, Daddy, [Loyacita] can call the old man ‘Dora’ if she wants to.” –Loyette, referring to Patrick Kennedy (D-RI), who was on TV
Twitter: “It’s OK, Daddy, [Loyacita] can call the old man ‘Dora’ if she wants to.” –Loyette, referring to Patrick Kennedy (D-RI), who was on TV
Twitter: “Daddy, it’s OK. I can watch PBS and wear no pants at the same time.” #defund
Twitter: RT @PatrickRuffini: Did no GOTV cost the GOP 2 Senate seats?
Twitter: They may want it in 2 years. RT @dmataconis: Can Senate Democrats Eliminate The Filibuster? Should They?
Twitter: RT @Celtic_Norse: Was Obermann’s firing a publicity stunt for his 23 viewers to swell to 36?
Twitter: Either way, pressure to include #3 Boise would be enormous. Excluding them would be a nuclear bomb amid antitrust talk, @DeathToTheBCS, etc.
Twitter: Although, I don’t know if that clause can be used to alter the at-large selections, as opposed to simply the pairings. I think perhaps not.
Twitter: If Boise is #3 and looking like it’ll be excluded, I wonder if BCS might FINALLY invoke its “best interest of college football” clause?
Twitter: #PANIC! RT @CNBC: Warning: ‘Huge’ Bubble Brewing in Bond Market
Twitter: RT @Drudge_Report: Republicans Poised to Widen Gains in House as 9 Races Remain Undecided…