Twitter: RT @wadepost: @jppalm …
Twitter: RT @wadepost: @jppalm Will be a travesty in Boise if TCU plays Oregon in BCS title and Boise has 20 starters from last yr that beat both those teams
Twitter: RT @wadepost: @jppalm Will be a travesty in Boise if TCU plays Oregon in BCS title and Boise has 20 starters from last yr that beat both those teams
Twitter: The top “story” on the Drudge Report right now is from Prison Planet, home of #Truthers and #CrazyConspiracyTheorists and assorted #Wingnuts
Twitter: RT @politico: Olbermann back Tuesday
Twitter: RT @jdubs88: Boise extended nation’s longest W streak to 22, set team-record for yards (737), held nation’s top ydg offense to 7 pts, fell 1 spot in BCS.
Twitter: Hey Big East, if you’re going to invite TCU, why not do it in the next 4 weeks? Then we can at least go to a BCS bowl. Love, Boise State.
Twitter: RT @sbndenver: Report: Dan Hawkins Likely To Keep Job For Rest Of Season
Twitter: Twice in past wk, I’ve taken video with my iPhone (of Loyette being cute) and, w/ no warning, clip has mysteriously failed to save. Not cool
Aqua budhas and slurpies. Oh, I’m glad we’re focused on the important things. #justinbieber
Thinks @brendanloy might be the best husband in the entire world. I’m a lucky girl to have found someone so patient, smart and sexy. #love
Twitter: RT @DrSaturday: Jeff Sagarin’s “real” rankings: 1. Oregon 2. TCU 3. Stanford. Same in his ‘predictor’ poll; Auburn is 11th. But AU is No. 1 in his BCS set.