Twitter: “You’re so cute. …
Twitter: “You’re so cute. I think you’re the cutest baby in the whole world.” –Loyette to Loyacita. #awwww #sisterlylove
Twitter: “You’re so cute. I think you’re the cutest baby in the whole world.” –Loyette to Loyacita. #awwww #sisterlylove
Twitter: RT @dmataconis: Cutting Congressional Pay: Pointless Symbolism
Twitter: RT @dmataconis: Dear Paul Ryan: Earmarks account for 0.01% of the budget and eliminating them won’t cut one bit of spending. Let’s talk real spending cuts
Twitter: Competing with Buffs for Local Football Futility award. RT @9newsdotcom: Bumbling Broncos have lost 14 of last 18
Twitter: RT @jmartpolitico: The question over Who Lost Delaware is gonna be the symbolic driver over intra-GOP debate for months.
Twitter: RT @MikeMSchwartz: Next week’s slate is pretty disappointing as far as late season college football goes. Best game – SDSU/TCU or Alabama/Miss. State?
Twitter: RT @USCFootballNews: Tonight saw a blocked punt, 2 pt. conversion, failed 2 pt. conversion, defensive 2 pt. conversion, 3 missed FGs & 100 yard kickoff return.
Twitter: RT @mikeallen: NJ Gov Chris Christie on Meet re Del. as a wakeup call for GOP: “I think Delaware was a missed opportunity to have a really good US senator”
Twitter: Happy End of Daylight Saving Time! #kidsawakeat530am #killmenow #iblameobama #clocksocialism #PANIC
Twitter: Nope! #WideLeft #w00t RT @DCTrojan: I feel a last second loss on FG coming right up! [blech]