Twitter: RT @uscpsycho: The …
Twitter: RT @uscpsycho: The birth of a tailgate… #usc #BeatTheIrish
Twitter: RT @uscpsycho: The birth of a tailgate… #usc #BeatTheIrish
Twitter: RT @dmataconis: You know it’s a slow news weekend when Nate Silver is analyzing the scoring system on Dancing with the Stars
Twitter: Typical CFB pundit baffled by 2+2. RT @onegreatseason: Enough with “can anyone make sense of Big Ten?” The math really isn’t that difficult.
Twitter: And in the BCS’s case, it’s only a partial bailout. TCU still exists, folks. And they aren’t going to lose to New Mexico today. #fact
Twitter: BCS defenders feeling vindicated are like Napolitano saying “the system worked” after Xmas bombing foiled. No: system sucks, got bailed out.
Twitter: I blame Brontzman. RT @Drudge_Report: Obama catches a flying elbow in b’ball game; 12 stitches to close up lip…
Twitter: RT @IDS_BroncoBeat: Boise State RB Doug Martin: “It’s just heartbreaking. It’s sad that we couldn’t finish.”
Twitter: Fair point re: Boise>NV. RT @KilroyFSU BSU was on road, went to OT, played tougher schedule overall. Head to head isn’t always conclusive.
Twitter: RT @wesruckerCTFP: The bile some of y’all spew at non-AQ programs is crazy. If they’re so weak, pick up the phone and accept when they call for games.
Twitter: RT @wesruckerCTFP: Those were two pretty darn good teams playing tonight in Reno — two top-20 teams — and it was a great game. Why the silly hate?