Twitter: RT @slmandel: Boarding …
Twitter: RT @slmandel: Boarding connecting flight to Reno. Tonight’s game could be a whole lot bigger by the time I land.
Twitter: RT @slmandel: Boarding connecting flight to Reno. Tonight’s game could be a whole lot bigger by the time I land.
Twitter: RT @racheldulitz: @brendanloy Come on – we gotta get #RollBroncos going – it’s my favorite hashtag so far!!!
Twitter: You know what’d be even better for Boise than an Alabama win? An Alabama rout. Should take Aub out of picture even w/ SEC CG win. It’s 21-0.
Twitter: #SECdefenses #itsaWAR! #wareaglePANIC! #CHAOS! RT @slmandel: They are what we thought they were re: Auburn’s pass defense.
Twitter: As we left for #HP7, Lions led by 7 @ half. I asked: over/under on what they lose by? Bro-in-law said 11. Lost by 21. #ThatsWhyYoureTheLions
Twitter: Harry Potter 7 was really good. Can’t wait for Part 2!
Twitter: The Lions are winning! #ThingsThatWontBeTrueForLong
Twitter: I’m thankful for endlessly entertaining — and simply endless — Twitter debates about politics and the BCS. (Mostly the BCS.)
Twitter: I’m thankful for #PANIC, #CHAOS, #theSECitsaWAR, Blaming Obama and Firing Mike Brey. #MinistryOfSillyMemes #HashtagsItsaWAR
Twitter: I’m thankful for @dmataconis, @mzemek, @MelissaTweets and all my other tweeps who encourage me to think & tweet outside the ideological box.