Twitter: RT @benpolitico: Palin, …
Twitter: RT @benpolitico: Palin, waging a bit of class war, dismisses Bushes as “blue blood”
Twitter: RT @benpolitico: Palin, waging a bit of class war, dismisses Bushes as “blue blood”
Twitter: RT @FightingIrishND: Everything points to a start for USC’s Mustain
Twitter: (Consequently, we didn’t use the “children & families” lane. We used a lane w/ a regular metal detector & avoided the porno/junk dilemma.)
Twitter: Roughly half of the DIA security lanes have the new scanners. One of those lanes is the “children and families” lane. #ThreatAssessmentFAIL
Twitter: RT @BarryGoldwater: Nobody better be touching my junk
Twitter: RT @uscpsycho: Everything points to a start for USC’s Mitch Mustain: All I have to say is this… @MitchMustain KICK SOME ND ASS BRO!
Twitter: RT @BigMikeTrojan: @uscpsycho #FightOn #USC #BeatTheIrish
Twitter: Flying to AZ in morning. DU Bally hopes enhanced pat-downs don’t apply to basketballs. “Don’t touch my #omgjunx!”
Twitter: RT @BeyndArcMMiller: Duke’s so good right now, it’s silly. Devils certainly made K-State appear that way Tuesday night
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — The 29 workers trapped after an explosion Friday in a New Zealand mine are confirmed dead, a police official says.