Twitter: RT @brando_minich: Michigan …
Twitter: RT @brando_minich: Michigan State will flounder all year. Like normal. #fearlesspredictions
Twitter: RT @brando_minich: Michigan State will flounder all year. Like normal. #fearlesspredictions
Twitter: RT @brando_minich: Wisconsin will be an early Big Eleven title contender, but will fall apart down the stretch. #fearlesspredictions
Twitter: RT @brando_minich: Penn State will beat an Ingram-less Bama, causing all sorts of JoePa hype. They will then lose to a bad Big Eleven team #fearlesspredictions
Twitter: .@arodwc21 I left that deliberately ambiguous. @ Arizona? @ Oregon St? @ UCLA? Since I made UA the Pac-10 champ, I guess I should say them.
Twitter: .@corcoran310 I’ll go with Iowa to win, just to be different, and because I can’t stand the thought of a 5th straight SEC title. #itsaWAR
Twitter: Anyone else want to share their #fearlesspredictions on this glorious College Football Eve?
Twitter: At least one of these predictions, however, will come true, or close enough to true that I’ll be able to crow about it. #fearlesspredictions
Twitter: Most of these predictions will look completely batty by November, some of them within a week or two. #fearlesspredictions
Twitter: #3 TCU (12-0) will beat the Pac-10 champ, #11 Arizona (9-3), in the Rose Bowl, earning basically no additional respect. #fearlesspredictions
Twitter: The BCS title game will be unbeaten Iowa vs. one-loss Alabama, which will edge out unbeaten #3 TCU for final spot. #fearlesspredictions