Twitter: RT @markknoller: We’re …
Twitter: RT @markknoller: We’re told Pres. Obama was awakened shortly before 4AM to be informed of the North Korea attack on the Souith Korean island.
Twitter: RT @markknoller: We’re told Pres. Obama was awakened shortly before 4AM to be informed of the North Korea attack on the Souith Korean island.
Twitter: RT @WSJ: Latest from the Korean Peninsula: “The attack is a sheer act of provocation,” says South Korean spokesman
Twitter: RT @jeffchesnut1: The Royals have set a wedding date!!! (Oh, and by the way, N. Korea attacked S. Korea.)
Twitter: RT @delrayser: Maybe the North Koreans were just pissed about Bristol on DWTS & were shooting at South Korea’s TVs.
Twitter: RT @nprnews: Korea ‘Worst Act Of Aggression Against South Korea’ Since ’50s
Twitter: I’m going to bed. Will be up in 5 hrs, hopefully not to the news of a full-scale Korean War II having broken out while I was sleeping. #pray
Twitter: RT @RodrigoBNO: MBC: predicting a possible attack on seoul and the yellow sea (although no elaboration yet). incheon is on standby for full evacuation.
Twitter: RT @lazarus2000: [Not going to the U.N. is] a bad sign actually. Means they wanna handle it themselves. Bad. Very bad.
Twitter: RT @nytimes: North and South Korea Exchange Dozens of Artillery Shells
Twitter: RT @raphiellej: Special shoutout to our 24-hour news TV outlets with no coverage of what’s going on in Korea right now. #FAIL